Here is a gallery of sculptures; needle-felted wool and papier mache. You can contact me directly by email to see if an item is available or to place an order. Click here to send me an email.
- wool dragon
Blue needle felted dragon, available on Etsy
- brown bear wool felting
- sleepy kitty
- wool felted kittens
- cat
- needle felted kitten
- whale shark
- sea life mobile
- walrus
- astro the dragon
- painted elephant
- fox
This Kraken is now named Leon in honor of the young man I met at the tailgate market. Leon was so kind and supportive of my work and I really appreciated his interest.
- kracken felting
- octopus and sea monster
- Leon the Kraken
- Salamander
- Crawling lizard
- Needle felted lizard
Little ballerinas waiting to perform
- little ballerinas waiting to go on stage
Needle felted girls with pets available on Etsy:
- needle felted girl
- girls with pets
- girl with pet bird
Brown bunnies available on joyandrejoicing Etsy shop
- Available at Etsy shop
- big foot bunny
- big foot bunny on Etsy
- brown bunny at New Morning Gallery
- brown bunnies -needle felted
- brown bunny
Chickadee and cardinal babies
- chickadee needle felting baby chick
- chickadee needle felting baby chick
- chickadee needle felting baby chick
- red cardinal needle felting
- red cardinal needle felting blue and yellow bird
- red cardinal needle felting
Visit Etsy for other dragons
- needle felted dragon
- dragons
- purple dragon
- dragons
- sea monster
- needle felted dragon
- dragons
- brocade dragon
Baby dragon available on Etsy shop
Needle felting: Wool is an amazing fiber that has tiny scales that help it to stick together. Felting needles are a special kind of needle that have tiny barbs on the end. The barbs are going in one direction and when the needle is stabbed into the wool the barbs pull the wool in, but not back out again. By punching with the needle over and over, the wool, with its tiny scales, locks together to form a firm sculpture.
Narwhal available on Etsy shop
- Mounted Narwal
- narwhal
- needle felted hummingbird
- Bear cub
- Dad and daughter playing
- Mom and baby
- Princess Meghan
- fairy
- mountain man
- needle felted boy
- scotty dog
- beagle
- spaniel
- beagle
- needle felted fox
- needle felted dog holding infant
- lion
- baby calf
- cow eyes

needle felted bunny

needle felted skunk

Needle felted baby duck

Needle felted mermaid

Painted elephant needle felted sculpture 😎

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